Hay Hauling Contest


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Sunday, August 1 at 5pm 
Registration to begin directly after the 4-H Western Horse Show

Pavilion 3 Arena


Three-person hay hauling teams race to see who can stack hay bales in the back of a truck.  The competition doesn't end there, as contestants must then drive through an obstacle course with hills and barriers and re-pile the bales the fastest! There are divisions for adult men, adult women, youth boys, and youth girls.

Hilarious to watch and free to enter! No pre-registration required.


Print your entry form and sign up the day of the event!


Competition Rules


  • All participants must sign a release and waiver of liability agreement.
  • Participants under 18 must have waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian
  • Any action deemed unsafe or in appropriate by contest judges or officials warrants immediate disqualification.
  • The judges' decision is final and there will be no protests.
  • The Official contest truck will be furnished. Driver must have a valid driver's license.
  • A "red flag" means to stop the run immediately.
  • Standing on the truck cab is prohibited.
  • Each team will have three members.
  • Men's team will haul 42 bales and the Women's team will haul 32 bales. (Subject to change)
  • Teams will load bales, drive once around the track and unload bales in designated area.
  • Gate person must walk through gap.
  • Time starts when the 1st door is opened. Time stops when the last door is closed.
  • All team members will ride inside the truck. (Exception: Gate person is not required to ride in the truck when driving through gate.
  • All dropped bales must be picked up unless broken. It is at the discretion of the team to stop and pick up lost bales or to retrieve them while unloading.
  • This is a timed event with penalties as follows:
    • 5-second penalty for each course violation (i.e. hitting cone, not closing gate)
    • 5-second penalty for each door not closed when truck is moving.
    • 5-second penalty for each not closed when loading or unloading bales (doors must be closed before first bale hits the truck or ground)
    • 5-second penalty for each bale not in designated unloaded area
    • 5-second penalty for each broken bale.
    • 5-second penalty for walking around gap