Counting on Your Support
so YOUR Fairgrounds Can Be Here for You!

Part of the scenarios we are planning for is how to survive a mandatory shut down for a period as happened for 3.5 months in Spring 2020.  We were fortunate to receive $550K in federal COVID support funds (PPP, EIDL) to survive this initial shutdown with our few core, expert staff.  We hope to bring back the other 90% of staff that are part-time, on call as we are able to bring more events back. Meanwhile we are running with minimal staff, have cut all costs and asked our shows to share in the increased COVID-operating costs.

Since we aren’t subsidized to stay open outside of fair time, we are working on building up a reserve fund to keep our few core, expert staff on during another zero revenue period so we can be ready to open for our community and getting back to the impact we’ve delivered for 20 years as soon as possible, including two new contracted international events in our new grounds improvements: NHSFR in July 2021 and the FMCA International RV Convention in August 2022.  Want to help out? 

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Email local officials and let them know what LEC impact you think is important to the community & you’d like them to find ways to leverage the $40-70M spend per year by out of county visitors to support LEC without raising taxes on locals.  HINT: Use specific examples, numbers when you can!
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • City Council
    • State Senators This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or yours!
    • Listen in here as Dale Johnson with KFOR gets the full scoop from our Managing Director, Amy Dickerson aired August 5th
  1. Email Congressional representatives and/or copy this list below of potential support bills for fairs and fairgrounds to let Congress know you support them as they continue to consider another round of fiscal stimulus packages this Fall ;
    • List of Potential Support Bills:
        • Second round of PPP loans/grants
        • Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)
        • Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act HR 7883
        • RESTART Act
        • Save our Stages Act
        • Consider infrastructure support funding
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Fischer
    • Sasse
  1. Copy any emails you send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can keep your support letter on file to use when needed.

  2. Become or refer an advertiser/sponsor at LEC during: 
    • summer at the Lancaster County Super Fair
    • year-round at LEC fairgrounds during the other 300 events 
    • in July 2021, during the NHSFR Lincoln

  3. Be a Donor – easiest, fastest way to show support of your 501(c)(3) non-profit fairgrounds.
    • NEW – Text-to-donate: Send LANCASTER to 44-321
    • Most county fairgrounds receive $20-30 per citizen, but YOUR Lancaster Event Center fairgrounds only receives $1.20 per citizen, which only supports the fairgrounds being open each summer for the county fair.
    • If everyone in Lancaster County pitched in just $5, we could build a reserve fund to keep your fairgrounds' core, expert staff through the pandemic no matter what happens, and to be ready to get back to attracting ~$3M in out-of-county visitor dollars PER core team member (isn’t that an amazing number at $60M planned for 2020?) Then, we can really focus on being ready to "WOW" visitors to Lincoln's first NHSFR Lincoln in July 2021!

6. Be a Volunteer for Super Fair or NHSFR Lincoln


More information:

Curious about the impact your LEC fairgrounds has when operating at full speed pre-COVID? LEC was on track to have biggest year in its 20-year history in 2020 with 40% growth–until COVID arrived. This growth was due to two international events scheduled to use our new grounds improvements in its first 45 days opening July and August. We're happy for our community that these events are already contracted to return in July 2021 (NHSFR Lincoln) and August 2022 (FMCA International Convention & RV Rally). 

Check out this fun LEC Impact Report mailer, sent to all county households in 2018, illustrating new UNL Economic Impact Study results to see LEC's annual impact supporting over 500 jobs and $1.3M in local taxes paid by out-of-county visitors at 100+ of LEC's regional/national events each year. 

2020 LEC Safety Pledge FINAL vertical 

Click above button to see what we have been doing to create a safer show environment in consultation with local health authorities -- and what visitors can do to help! 



 View Latest Local DHM - COVID Risk Dial GREEN/LOW - as of Mar, 2022 

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rodeo aerial 

The National High School Finals Rodeo was held here in July 2021. Watch here for stories as we tally the results from a successful year! NHSFR returns to Lincoln in 2026 & 2027. For more information on NHSFR Lincoln click here. 

Get Involved

Interested in being a sponsor, volunteer or trade show vendor? Click here to get involved today.


To see the full UNL Economic Impact Study for the core data or the full Impact Report Mailer sent to all of Lancaster County, click the green buttons below.

                         button3 unlstudy2


Your Space. Your Place. 

You're behind the impact, reach and growth of the Lancaster Event Center at your Lancaster County Fairgrounds. With 69% of Lancaster County residents visiting every year and 82% loving what they see--this nationally-leading, multi-use facility we've built and are growing together over the last 18 years is something we can be proud of!


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super fair and local events
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