Give to Lincoln Day donations this year will support the Lancaster County Agricultural Society Endowment Fund!
You can benefit our youth, community, and economy by ensuring our fairgrounds will be here for
another 150 years of fairs and fun!
Read More & Donate Here May 1-30
About Give to Lincoln Day
Give to Lincoln Day is a giving day event that encourages you to contribute to Lincoln and Lancaster County nonprofit organizations between May 1 and May 30. Give to Lincoln Day is coordinated by Lincoln Community Foundation, in partnership with local nonprofit organizations.
Every donation makes a bigger impact on Give to Lincoln Day because nonprofits also get a proportional share of a $650,000 match fund made possible by LCF and generous sponsors – the largest match fund in Give to Lincoln Day’s history!
The purpose of Give to Lincoln Day is to promote philanthropy in Lincoln and Lancaster County. There are three primary goals:
Introduce new donors to local nonprofit organizations.
Help nonprofit organizations tell their stories and educate the public about the positive impact they have on our community.
Shine a spotlight on charitable giving to raise new money for local nonprofits.
Give to Lincoln Day is intended to be a bonus fundraising opportunity for local nonprofits in our community.
Online -- Please strongly consider this option
Donations to participating charities are made online and will be updated in real time on the leader board at on May 30. Online donations may be made beginning May 1. Gifts made between May 1 and May 30 will count toward the event, show on the leaderboard when it appears on May 30, and be eligible for the challenge match fund.
Offline (Checks)
Donations may also be made via check and dropped off in person on May 30 (8:00am-5:00pm at the LCF office) or mailed to the address below. Gifts must be postmarked by May 23 to count toward the event, show on the leaderboard, and be eligible for the challenge match fund.
Lincoln Community Foundation
215 Centennial Mall S Ste 100
Lincoln, NE 68508
Checks must be written to “Lincoln Community Foundation” with the nonprofit name specified in the memo line (if you are donating to multiple nonprofits, write one check for the total and include a separate list of nonprofits and amounts to each). LCF will charge the same 2.9% fee as Firespring Foundation charges for online gifts. Fees received from offline gifts are directed to grants for local nonprofits.
Donors may also drop off donations between May 1 and May 30 at Presenting Sponsor, West Gate Bank's Lincoln branches via the lobby or the commercial drop drawers. Visit for lobby hours.
The Lancaster County Agricultural Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit of publicly elected board of passionate volunteers who run the Lancaster Event Center (LEC) Fairgrounds and Lancaster County’s Super Fair. Their mission is to share experiences in a unique venue that showcases the agricultural nature of Lancaster County and to contribute greatly to the county’s youth, culture, and economy.
The facility provides a safe and fun environment for families all year long and drives substantial economic impact on Lancaster County and the area that surrounds it, including offering a home to over 20 local community groups to carry out their own missions through events.
See our impact
Prefer to help over the longer-term instead of now?
Support our youth, community, and economic impact by ensuring your non-profit, operationally unsubsidized fairgrounds will be here for as our county’s largest community center for another 150 years with a contribution to the NEW Lancaster County Agricultural Society Endowment Fund.