Sheep Show


3pm, Currency Pavilion

SuperintendentNate Dowding

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registration and Entry Fees:

Entry Fee: $15/animal   No pre-registration required

 Pen Fee $10/animal

Showmanship Entry Fee: $5 (pre-register or day of show)

Pee Wee Showmanship: No entry fee for Pee Wee.


Premiums Jack Pot 100% payback (except pen fees)


Stall availability:

Saturday, August 10. 

Check-In: Saturday, August 10th, 2-3pm

All sheep must be checked in and in place. Market Lamb weigh cards must be submitted by 3:30pm. Exhibitors can “call” their breed (Suffolk, Dorset, Hamp, or Cross). However, show management reserves right to move any lambs not showing sufficient breed character to the Cross Class.

Registration papers must be checked by show management.

Market Lambs will be given a 5lb variance on weigh backs after classes. All sheep released after they have been shown.

Show Time: Saturday, August 10th, 3pm

Show Order:

  • Showmanship (Adult, Senior, Intermediate, Junior, PeeWee)
  • Breeding (Breed by alphabetical order, then commercial ewe lambs and all other breeds (Suffolk, Hamp, Cross, Dorsets and AOB).
  • Any Breed with less than 3 head will show in AOB Class.
  • Market Lambs will be weighed and broken into classes by weight.
  • Ewe Lambs may show as both breeding and market, but must be entered twice and pay the fee twice.

Showmanship Age Divisions:

  • Adult 21 and over
  • Senior: 15-21
  • Intermediate: 12-14
  • Junior: 8-11
  • Pewee: 7 and under

No outside bedding used due to composting.  Shavings available upon arrival from SGEC General Store on arrival at $9/bag with tax/delivery included.

How To Sign Up

Step 1: Read the rules and regulations below

Rules & Regulations

This is an open show. Anyone of any age can show.

This show is NOT terminal. All sheep showed MUST return home with exhibitors.

Exhibitors are reminded to comply with Nebraska Health Paper regulations but the show management will not check health papers. Any animals exhibiting any signs of fungus or ringworm or any illness, virus, or health issue may be disallowed from showing by show management without refund of entry fees.

There are no rules or regulations as to fitting, drenching, painting, or muzzling of lambs.

Abusive handling practices will not be tolerated.

No minimum or maximum weights.

Step 2: Review class lists - coming soon! 

Step 3: 

All livestock entries are day-of only. Please have all the necessary info and arrive at the correct check-in time and location.